
GEOlab was and is currently involved in a number of national and international projects.


HYPER-5G – HYbrid Positioning  Engine Running on GNSS and 5G
Funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), in the framework of  Navigation Innovation and Support Program (NAVISP).

GEO4D – Geodesy and Geoinformatics
for Sustainable Development in Jordan

Capacity Building in Higher Education project, funded by European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme

Project of National Interest (PRIN) funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) id. 20159CNLW8.

TWIGA – Transforming Weather Water data into value-added Information services for sustainable Growth in Africa
Horizon 2020 call: H2020-SC5-2016-2017 (Greening the Economy) – Proposal number: 776691


LAMPO – Lombardy-based Advanced Mateorological Prediction and Observations  
Fondazione CARIPLO  – Call 2017 – Research dedicated to hydrogeological instability: a contribution to the prevision, prevention and risk mitigation

STEAM – SaTellite Earth observation for Atmospheric Modelling – 
ESA AO/1-8963/17/NL/AF

Energic-OD (Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), 2014-2016) European NEtwork for Redistributing Geospatial Information to user Communities – Open Data.

giCASES (Erasmus+, 2016-2018) Creating a University-Enterprise Alliance for a Spatially Enabled Society

SINERGY – Sinthetic aperture Instrument for Novel Earth Remote-sensed MeteoroloGy and IdrologY – 
ASI N. 2016-12-U.o

Easee (FP7, 2013-2015) Envelope approach to improve sustainability and energy efficiency in existing multi-storey multi-owner residential buildings [website]

Sinopiae (ERDF-FESR Funds, 2013-2015) Multi-source prototype system for integration of multispectral observation (satellite/aerial/uav/ground), for the multi-scale monitoring of environmental indicators (atmospheric constituents and energy dispersion)

I Cammini della Regina – Percorsi transfrontalieri legati alla Via Regina (INTERREG, 2013-2015) A multi-disciplinary project to promote the cultural heritage in the Via Regina area in between Italy and Switzerland [website]

CPRE (INTERREG, 2013-2015) La Conservazione Programmata nello spazio comune REtico

FORMAT-EO: FORmation of Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Training in Earth Observation (FORMAT-EO). Erasmus Summer school at the University of Leicester [website]

Geomatics and Earth Observation laboratory